The following list is for Megilah reading times in Silver Spring (and possibly nearby areas if people send them in). The times are for Purim 5780 – March 9, 2020 (night) and March 10, 2020 (day). Please submit additional times/locations (and corrections if anything is incorrect) via email to Please submit only publicly available readings – e.g., if a reading is planned for a private home and is only for family or a few close neighbors, please do not submit it here.
Note that there are a number of public readings this year which are taking place on March 9 prior to Tzeis Hacochavim (Halachic nightfall). Shkiah (sunset) is at 7:10pm (based on 20902 zip code). Tzeis Hacochavim time varies according to different opinions. The most common time used is 7:50pm, but there are others ranging from potentially as early as 7:25pm to as late as 8:29pm. Consult your Rabbi or other Halachic authority for guidance, but this web page will not list any Megillah reading scheduled to start prior to the earliest possible “Fast Ends” time as listed on for the 20902 zip code, which this year is 7:39pm. If a reading is “Maariv followed by Megillah” then the time listed may be as early as 7:30pm.
Chabad = Chabad of Silver Spring – 519 Lamberton Drive
Kehilat Pardes = Kehilat Pardes – 13300 Arctic Ave (at Berman Hebrew Academy)
KMS = Kemp Mill Synagogue – 11910 Kemp Mill Road
Ohr HaTorah = Ohr HaTorah – 1009 Kersey Road
OSTT = Ohev Sholom Talmud Torah Congregation – 18320 Georgia Avenue, Olney
SEHC = Southeast Hebrew Congregation, Knesset Yehoshua – 10900 Lockwood Drive
SSJC = Silver Spring Jewish Center – 1401 Arcola Avenue
WSAT = Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah – 9001 Georgia Avenue
YISE = Young Israel Shomrai Emunah – 1132 Arcola Ave.
Purim Night
Location | Time | Minyan details or other notes |
KMS – Sanctuary | 7:35 | Maariv followed by Megillah |
KMS – Youth – Social Hall | 7:35 | Maariv followed by Megillah |
YISE – Sephardi – Large Beis Medrash | 7:35 | Maariv followed by Megillah |
YISE – Belonofsky Sanctuary | 7:40 | Maariv followed by Megillah |
YISE – Social Hall | 7:40 | Youth/Family – Maariv followed by Megillah |
YISE – Nusach Sefard – Small Beis Medrash | 7:40 | Maariv followed by Megillah |
Chabad | 7:45 | Family reading Upstairs |
Chabad | 7:45 | Downstairs – Preschool Family Reading |
Chabad | 7:45 | 11528 Lovejoy St. – Adults (quiet) |
University Towers | 7:45 | 1121 Penthouse Party Room |
Chabad | 9:00 | |
KMS – Sanctuary | 9:30 | Maariv followed by Megillah |
KMS – Women’s Tefilla Group – Youth Beit Midrash | 9:30 | |
YISE – Belonofsky Sanctuary | 10:00 |
Purim Day
Location | Time | Minyan details or other notes |
YISE – Small Social Hall | 6:10 | Shacharis followed by Megillah |
KMS – Sanctuary | 6:30 | Shacharis followed by Megillah |
YISE – Large Social Hall | 6:30 | Shacharis followed by Megillah |
Chabad | 6:30 | Shacharis followed by Megillah |
YISE – Belonofsky Sanctuary | 7:00 | Shacharis followed by Megillah |
YISE – Sephardi – Large Beis Medrash | 7:15 | Shacharit followed by Megillah |
KMS – Sanctuary | 8:00 | Shacharis followed by Megillah |
YISE – Belonofsky Sanctuary | 8:30 | Shacharis followed by Megillah |
Chabad | 9:00 | |
KMS – Youth – Sanctuary | 9:15 | Shacharis followed by Megillah |
KMS – Low Sensory Megillah – Youth Beit Midrash | 10:45 | |
YISE – Belonofsky Sanctuary | 11:00 | |
Chabad | 11:00 | |
Chabad – at Montgomery Blair High School | 11:00 | |
Chabad | 1:00 | |
Chabad | 3:00 | |
Chabad | 4:30 |